
Natural Health News

Plan Bee: The Factors Farms® Apiary

Plan Bee: The Factors Farms® Apiary

Lauren Deutschmann

Bee the change! Did you know that we are currently witnessing a global collapse of honeybee populations? There are many causes for this, but unfortunately, most are the result of...

PEOPLE 1 min read

Plan Bee: The Factors Farms® Apiary

Natural Factors

Bee the change! Did you know that we are currently witnessing a global collapse of honeybee populations? There are many causes for this, but unfortunately, most are the result of...

Heart-Healthy Swaps for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Heart-Healthy Swaps for Breakfast, Lunch, and D...

Nancy Duarte

February is Heart Month! This month provides the perfect opportunity to spread awareness about the importance of heart health and provide information on how to live a heart-healthy lifestyle. A...

PEOPLE 3 min read

Heart-Healthy Swaps for Breakfast, Lunch, and D...

Natural Factors

February is Heart Month! This month provides the perfect opportunity to spread awareness about the importance of heart health and provide information on how to live a heart-healthy lifestyle. A...

Middle-aged man looking at a mirror, upset with thinning hair

4 Reasons Men Should Take Collagen

Nancy Duarte

Fellas, when you see collagen do you think, “that’s not for me”? Probably because most of what you hear about collagen supplements are their many beauty benefits. But we’re here...

PEOPLE 2 min read

4 Reasons Men Should Take Collagen

Natural Factors

Fellas, when you see collagen do you think, “that’s not for me”? Probably because most of what you hear about collagen supplements are their many beauty benefits. But we’re here...

Woman eating probiotic-rich yogurt

How Supporting Your Gut Health Can Boost Immunity*

Nancy Duarte

More than ever, we are recognizing how the state of our gut and microbiome is connected to our immune system and overall quality of life. The gut lining is one...

PEOPLE 2 min read

How Supporting Your Gut Health Can Boost Immunity*

Jennifer Brix, ND

More than ever, we are recognizing how the state of our gut and microbiome is connected to our immune system and overall quality of life. The gut lining is one...

Senior woman looking for her medication in the cabinet

How to Properly Store Your Supplements

Nancy Duarte

You may think storing supplements is a no-brainer, but did you know the way you store them can impact your supplement quality? Supplements are an investment in your health. Whether...

PEOPLE 4 min read

How to Properly Store Your Supplements

Stephanie Rubino, ND

You may think storing supplements is a no-brainer, but did you know the way you store them can impact your supplement quality? Supplements are an investment in your health. Whether...

Focused young Asian woman reading a book and making notes at home, concentrating on her studies.

Top 5 Supplements for Focus and Concentration

Katie Boyle

Do you feel your focus starts to drift midday, or do you have problems concentrating while studying? Feel like you are having “senior moments,” but you’re not even close to...

PEOPLE 4 min read

Top 5 Supplements for Focus and Concentration

Kate Rhéaume, ND

Do you feel your focus starts to drift midday, or do you have problems concentrating while studying? Feel like you are having “senior moments,” but you’re not even close to...